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How White Cloud Bath Tissue is Made + {Detained in Canada?}
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As a White Cloud Blogger or as my blogging friends affectionately call me, a TP blogger, one of the perks was visiting a paper mill in Quebec, which was a very exciting trip for many reasons. First for my great welcome into the country by Canadian Immigration {sarcasm}, then for getting to spend time with a few of myfavorite bloggers, and lastly because yes, toilet paper production IS exciting.
The trip was not completely hampered by a slight detainment by Canadian Immigration officials, eh. Yes, I know I look threatening and like I’m totally visiting Canada to do something illegal. I’m sure they felt I was sketchy when I was said I was a blogger when asked what I was going to be doing in the country. Even more so when I said mom blogger. Maybe, blogging hasn’t reached Canada yet, eh?
Basically, instead of giving a simple answer to the simple question, “What will you be doing in Canada,” I gave a completely truthful yet rambling answer. Apparently the truth is makes you a suspicious character. Therefore, I was sent to a special area of immigration. Questioned extensively again, put in a separate room while they checked out my “story,” No, they couldn’t just hop onto to my website and visit theWhite Cloud Blogger.
I probably should have used the named Kruger Products or Cashmere since White Cloud is not sold in Canada. Who knows what they thought the White Cloud was.
While it felt like hours, it was probably a total of an hour I had to endure the cold silence. I was given no explanation at all why I was sent there. So of course, one might get a little teary eye from frustration and anger.
Apparently, my story checked out. I was released. However, the immigration official decided to give me a lecture that I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t be upset. Apparently, this is completely routine. So completely routine that I saw hundreds of people walking straight on through while only just three in this special area. Well, folks, my mama taught me that noone can tell you how to feel and I let this lovely welcoming committee of one know. I’m really surprised she handed me my passport back after I told her “No one can tell me how to feel. I can cry if I want to.” {Kind of feel like letting the Cyndi Lauper out every time I think of it!}
‘It’s not that common, it’s doesn’t happen to every traveler, and it is a big deal!’
Needless to say, the trip didn’t start out on the right foot as I was ready to go home and get the double hockey sticks out of Canada. This unpleasant start of my trip didn’t ruin my trip to Canada. Take that Immigration!
As soon as I was let free, I was able to meet up with our group and head to the Paper Mill. We were warmly welcomed by the Kruger Products staff, which is the company who manufactuer’s White Cloud Products for use in the United States and the leading manufacturer of tissue, towels, and bath tissue in Canada with well known brands such as Cashmere, Scotties, and White Swan. Let me say, their welcoming was much better than the lovely immigration officials.
Kruger Products, which was established in 1904, is a 5th generation family owned-corporation, which has a diversified portfolio. They go beyond just paper products, they have an Energy Division and Wine & Spirits among others. They employ over 9,000 employees in North America and Europe.
For those of you who are interested in the green aspect of White Cloud like Green and Clean Mom, you will be happy to know White Cloud can proudly claim the Terra Choice Certification. Because of their process of White Cloud Green Earth, which we were able to see but can’t show due to it being a trade secret, White Cloud Green Earth has a softer feel than other green bath tissue on the market.
For those of you who only use green bath tissue products, with White Cloud Green Earth you no longer have to suffer anymore because you will get a wonderful softness you can not get with any other green product on the market on top of a great low price!
Not only is the White Cloud Green Earth bath tissue far superior, Kruger is also working towards many goals to reduce waste, energy consumption, and emissions. All things that are great for the environment.
What I think is truly amazing about the entire bath tissue process is it only takes seconds to actually make it from start to finish.
It starts with paper.
Then it becomes a slushly mess with 95% water and 5% paper.
Then it gets rolled out flat into rolls like this, which received several hilarious comments from my Facebook Page. (Cuz if you were following me on Facebook, you had access to some of these fun pictures before I created this post!)
Then the rolls are stored like this…
These giant inner rolls are ready for the bath tissue to be added to it.
Then the rolls are cut so fast, you don’t even see it happening. It was so mesmerizing.
It is then packaged. The day we visited they were manufacturing Cashmere.
Overall, the trip was fun with wonderful people. I did not let that first hour of my time in Canada ruin the entire trip. Though, I doubt I will be making any voluntary trips back anytime soon!
The trip also reinforced my idea that White Cloud is a company I want to represent and want to work with. White Cloud is the only company in North America with the technology to support making a recycled paper product that is high quality AND reasonably price. White Cloud is truly the Smart Alternative.
Disclosure: White Cloud has compensated me for my time on this project. Rest assured, all opinions and thoughts are always my own. My goal as always is to help you save time and money. For more information read my disclosure policy.
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